In my life, I have been usually following my inuition or instinct and it has always seemed to be a bit hardcore way of living to me. It took my to many weird, difficult, wonderful and usually very challenging situations. Now living according to intuition seems to be more a fashion thing, like eco-friendly or veganmania. However...Intuitively I have been following Lomi Lomi Nui and Huna ideology regarding to how I treat the world and other humans and how much I am connected to my own heart and inner self. Instinctively I've been practising yoga for 12 years, listening to my body needs, understending my place in the spiritual and material world. And what about the brain? Rumi's quotes always were speaking to me very deeply on the intelectual level, aswearing complication questions, especially in moments when important decisions supposed to be made.

This not very well known philosopher, increasingly is being recognized as the unique spiritual genius, as someone who is fused at the highest level and with the greatest possible intensity the intellect of a Plato, the vision, passion and soul-force of a Christ or Buddha, and the extraordinary literary gifts of a Shakespeare. Rumi is, not only the world's greatest mystical poet, but also an essential guide to the new planetary spiritual renaissance that is slowly emerging from the ruins of our civilization. He speaks to us from the depths of our own sacred identity, and what he says has the electric eloquence of our innermost truth. No other poet or philosopher has Rumi's almost frightening intimacy of address, and has conveyed the terror, rapture and wonder of awakening to Divine Love with such fearless and gorgeous courage, such humility and such unflinching clarity.

When the great Sufi mystic and poet Jalal-ud-Din Rumi died at sunset in Konya, southern Turkey, on December 17, 1273, he had composed over 3,500 odes, 2,000 quatrains, and a vast spiritual epic called the Mathnawai. Her ust some of them:


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