The mystery of mooncup, now discovered :) 

Some time ago I heard this word  and I fell in love immediately. With the word, not with the mooncup. It took me another 2 or 3 years to discover what exactly it was. Now, I am a happy user of the eco-friendly, money-saving and comfy cup which collects my 'moonly' coming dose of unnecessary blood mixed with potential of new is what period is, no? Monthly pain and tears of my unfertilized womb.

In TAO knowledge it is said that a woman's body, for most of her life, is fully prepared to create a complete new human being and this enormous and beautiful energy is being lost every month with the period blood. It is also said that this potential can be reused by the practice of Tao sexual exercises and special breathing, etc, alone or with a partner. That power can be used to create something, for example some art or raise your strength or energy in everyday life.

Coming back to the main issue. I bought one few months ago in the internet, did some research, chose the size, found a satisfying price (there are many options on the market) and...yep, got it. The first time I saw it I was a bit afraid, mostly because of the size - doesn't look like something which will comfortably sit in my vagina for 8 hours. I choose size B, because it was recommended for those over 30 and after giving birth...I am only just  over 30, have never given birth vagina is rather tiny. Probably I should have chosen size A. Well, take that under consideration if you are planning to get one. 

So, I was waiting for my first period, I got same tampons just in case something didn't work...BUT EVERYTHING WAS FINE. I inserted the cup without any problems and started using it quite instinctively. I did not find any problems with using it, remove , rinse and insert again, also I felt save using it at night. Now, when the mystery was uncovered, researched and checked out, I can really and frankly recommend you one! Above you find some more detailed information, which may make you try one at some point!

 Such a pussy story ;)

Mooncup is the original, soft, medical-grade silicone menstrual cup designed by women as the convenient, safe and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and pads.

Because towels and tampons are unhealthy (bleached and can lead to toxic shock if not removed in a timely manner.....)  and what can I say - in fact, a bit disgusting.

And because it is:

Made from soft, medical-grade silicone, it’s so comfortable you can’t feel it’s there. While tampons absorb 35% vaginal moisture, the Mooncup menstrual cup won’t dry you out or leave fibres behind.

Your Mooncup is always there, ready. No last minute dash to the shops, no stockpiling different absorbency pads or tampons. The Mooncup frees you from having to throw away used products or carry bulky spares (whether smuggled up your sleeve as you head to the toilet or taking up backpack space on your travels).

Holding 3 x more than a regular tampon, the Mooncup gives you longer lasting protection on heavier days. And because it’s non-absorbent, it won’t cause dryness when your period’s light.

You only need one Mooncup that pays for itself after 6-8 months – you’re then saving that monthly spend on sanitary protection.

Latex-free, hypoallergenic and containing no dyes, perfumes, BPA, phthalates, plastic, bleaches or toxins, the Mooncup menstrual cup is ideal if you have sensitive skin or allergies.

More about how to use it, here:


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