For more than 3 years I have had that habit of drinking warm lemon water in the mornings. Apart from its detoxification properties it is just such a nice and pleasant feeling when you put something slightly warmer than your body temperature and a bit zesty into your tummy as a first thing after wake up:)

I am never on diet, I hate diets to be honest, yes, I eat healthy, but...I am not obsessed with it, I do sports, but not like crazy. Everybody knows that we should drink a lot of water, but I don't like just plain water! So to hydrate myself a little bit more I started to drink water with lemon...And now I call it my medicine. Since I have started drinking it I have found these unexpected benefits, I:
  • lost weight , without ever being on diet
  • solved digestion problems
  • gotten rid of skin and facial problems
  • No more cellulite !!! that's the best one!
  • strengthened immune system (especially in Autumn and Winter time/in these seasons I used to put some ginger too)
  • I am in my thirties and have barely any wrinkles...
  • it puts me in a good mood in the mornings, honestly

Those are my personal experiences and observations, but let's check what the science says about that?

1. Aids in digestion and detoxification
Because lemon juice’s atomic structure is similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach, it tricks the liver into producing bile, which helps keep food moving through your body and gastrointestinal tract smoothly. Lemon water also helps relieve indigestion or ease an upset stomach.The acids found in lemon juice also encourage your body to process the good stuff in foods more slowly. This drawn-out absorption means insulin levels remain steady and you get more nutrients out of the foods you consume. Better nutrient absorption means less bloating. Lemon water benefits the enzyme functions in your body, stimulating the liver and flushing out toxins. Because it’s a mild diuretic, you might find yourself using the bathroom more often, helping the urinary tract get rid of any unwanted elements. All of this helps detox body & skin.

2. Bumps up the vitamin C quotient
Since your body doesn’t make vitamin C on its own, it’s important to get enough of it from the foods and drinks you ingest. Luckily, lemons are chock-full of the vitamin.What are the benefits of getting enough vitamin C? It stimulates white blood cell production, vital for your immune system to function properly. As an antioxidant, vitamin C also protects cells from oxidative damage. Plus, getting enough vitamin C helps the immune system keep colds and flu at bay. Drinking lemon water daily ensures your body gets a sizable amount of vitamin C daily.

3. Rejuvenates skin and heals the body
The antioxidants found in vitamin C do double duty in lemon water. They fight damage caused by free radicals, keeping your skin looking fresh. Getting enough vitamin C from your lemon water also keeps the body producing collagen, essential in smoothing out lines in the face. And, in one recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, regularly consuming vitamin C led to younger-looking skin and less wrinkles.

4. Helps shed pounds
Regularly sipping on lemon water can help you lose those last pounds. That’s because lemons contain pectin, a type of fiber commonly found in fruits. Pectin helps you feel full longer; that satiated feeling means you’ll chow down less throughout the day. Plus, did you know that when you’re even mildly dehydrated, you’re more prone to things like headaches, fatigue and an overall bad mood? Chugging down lemon water helps your body stay hydrated and feeling happy.

5. Boosts energy and mood
Skip the morning cup of coffee — lemon water can boost energy levels without the caffeine crash. Here’s how it works: Our bodies get energy from the atoms and molecules in foods. When negative-charged ions, like those found in lemons, enter your digestive tract, the result is an increase in energy levels au naturel. Additionally, just the scent of a lemon has been found to reduce stress levels and improve moods. Don’t forget to offer a glass to grumpy co-workers or family members.

How to Buy and Use Lemons
Ready to jump on the lemon water bandwagon? Here are a few things to keep in mind at the store:
  • When buying lemons, opt for ones that are fully yellow and, if possible, organic. If the fruit is still green, it isn’t fully ripe. Thinner-skinned lemons are juicier. Keep away from lemons that look dull, wrinkled or excessively hard.
  • When preparing lemon water, it’s best to add the lemon juice to room temperature or warm water — start with half a lemon’s worth of juice. Drinking cold lemon water can be a shock to your system.
  • You get the benefits of lemon water whenever you drink it, but sipping on it in the morning will kick-start your day. Try a glass about a half hour before breakfast; the lemon juice in your belly will help your body absorb your breakfast nutrients better.
  • Storing lemons in a sealed plastic bag keeps lemons fresh much longer than leaving them at room temperature.

History and Interesting Facts About Lemon Water
Here are some interesting lemon water facts & history: Until about the 10th century, lemons were used mainly as decorative plants. The Crusades in the 11th century brought the plant into Europe, and it made its first appearance in the New World in the late 1400s. Lemons and other vitamin C-rich fruits were particularly treasured for their ability to ward off scurvy. Today, the main producers of lemons include Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey and the U.S.

So, buy yourself a nice big water container and discover the cheapest and easiest way to stay fit, young and happy :)


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